The Cyphal Guide


  1. Preface
  2. Overview
  3. Interface design guidelines


The Cyphal Guide is the official user documentation that serves as the entry point for new adopters of Cyphal. It is created to explain what Cyphal is and how it can be leveraged effectively.

The guide intentionally leaves out the details pertaining to the implementation libraries and other specific software products, focusing on the more abstract matters instead. To find documentation for specific software, please consult with the front page at

The formal protocol specification is published in a separate document. We do not recommend it to newcomers because being a formal specification, it is overloaded with technical details. Instead, we recommend the Specification to those who are interested in creating a custom implementation, contributing to the project, or wishing to understand the technology in greater detail.

The project is managed and coordinated in an open manner. Virtually all of the major design decisions are made in discussions conducted on the forum in the Development & Maintenance category. Readers wishing to understand the motivation and rationale behind the technical decisions are welcome to search through the category and ask questions.

The project accepts donations via OpenCollective.

This guide is jointly authored by @pavel.kirienko and @scottdixon.