Viper Quadcopter

Still fighting with tooling here :cry:

$ git clone && cd pyuavcan
$ python3.8 -m pip install .
$ git clone
$ export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
$ pyuavcan -v dsdl-gen-pkg public_regulated_data_types/uavcan

$ ls uavcan/
diagnostic  metatransport  pnp        __pycache__  si
file        internet     node           primitive  register     time

And now trying to publish some heartbeat with a command that worked in the past …

$ pyuavcan publish 32085.uavcan.node.Heartbeat.1.0 '{uptime: 9876, health: 0, mode: 3, vendor_specific_status_code: 5}' --tr='CAN("vcan0",8),13)'
Error: RuntimeError: Subsystem factory 'NodeFactory' for command 'publish' has failed: No module named 'cobs'

Any insight appreciated :pray:

This is an odd way of installing the library. Why not just pip install pyuavcan? Not saying it’s related though.

You tripped over again. The tentative solution is to install all dependencies:

pip install pyuavcan[transport_can_pythoncan,transport_serial,cli]

I am almost there to start fixing these. Maybe tomorrow.

Good morning :coffee: :wave:


python 3.8 -m pip install pyuavcan[transport_can_pythoncan,transport_serial,cli]

did not solve my issue, however doing

python 3.8 -m pip install cobs


As for the clumsy python 3.8 -m pip install whatever … as per earlier internet research this is the best way to avoid version/dependency f**kup which I somehow always manage to end up with. But I can’t claim any expertise insight here, all I can say is that since doing it that way I’ve had no dependency issues anymore.

Unfortunately I’m running straight into the next blocker, still the same command that worked nicely a couple of months ago:

pyuavcan publish 32085.uavcan.node.Heartbeat.1.0 '{uptime: 9876, health: 0, mode: 3, vendor_specific_status_code: 5}' --tr='CAN("vcan0",8),13)'
Error: TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable 

Um, that doesn’t sound plausible.

The next blocker is also a known issue:; it is now fixed in (commit 03b95afe4da9a934a7fff23df208f9c4ecee0d4c).