UAVCAN/serial: issues with DMA friendliness and bandwidth overhead

Sure, however I don’t see this branch now. Was it merged already ?


First draft is here:

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That looks good, thank you. I have a few notes:

  • Please do not list runtime dependencines in requirements.txt, this file is for dev deps only, as indicated in the header. The COBS library should go into setup.cfg under extras_require.transport_serial:
  • Please try to minimize unnecessary whitespace change.

Fixed whitespace (bad pycharm setting) and dependencies

Okay. There are some nits like a commented-out string and some remaining whitespace but I think if the tests pass, we should be good to open a PR for a thorough review. Do the tests pass? Let me know if you need help setting up the test environment (although I think (or hope) it should be fairly straightforward).

Ah, also, would you be inclined to update the docs for the serial transport as well? Most of them are in of pyuavcan.transport.serial.

All the tests pass at the \transport level.
At the whole pyuavcan level there are some dsdl test failures that are probably setup-related (PYTHONASYNCIODEBUG)

created PR after few more fixes incl your nits

Thank you, @VadimZ. The UAVCAN/serial transport PoC is now officially based on COBS, and it is highly likely that this implementation will end up being formally specified in UAVCAN v1.1.