We need someone to update the article on UAVCAN to bring it up-to-date with the v1 effort. The article is here:
UAVCAN is a lightweight protocol designed for reliable communication in aerospace and robotic applications via CAN bus.
Main features of UAVCAN are:
The UAVCAN development team is charged with advancing the specification based on input from adopters. This feedback is gathered via the mailing list, which is open to everyone.
The set of standard data definitions is one of the cornerstone concepts of the specification (see data structure description language (DSDL)). Within the same major versio...
This secondary source can be referred to from Wikipedia: https://www.kvaser.com/uavcan/
I believe that if I were to write a new article myself, it would be a violation of the terms of service. Perhaps some of the current users of the protocol could help us with this?