i have a usb can device on my desk which runs a slcan firmware. In general the device works with a slcan compatibile monitor software. But to test my cyphal implemeatation i want to run yakut on my dev machine (Windows:::).
The above gives the Error: InvalidMediaConfigurationError: Interface does not support CAN FD: slcan
This error is mentioned in an other thread here as well and the suggestion was to use “socketcan:slcan” but how do is set the serial port for slcan?
Are there any opensource CAN-FD cappable usb-can adapters around?
This actually can be improved. We should set single_bitrate=True if the second one (i.e., the data phase bitrate) is zero:
A pull request improving this would be welcome.
P.S. you are using a very roundabout way of exporting environment variables. Can you not just use PowerShell with a decent UX instead of typing these Python wrappers?