What should our "static vector" type look like

Per Issue #6 in the CETL project I’d like to start a discussion about the design of our static vector type. I’ll repost the issue here:

Add a resizable container that is backed by a fixed capacity buffer. Options include:

  1. re-implement std::vector where max_size is the size of the internal storage (instead of just std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()). Provide appropriate STL allocators to support static buffers. (this appears to be the approach ETL took).
  2. Port Nunavut’s VariableLengthArray and expand its functionality to be more generic.
  3. re-implement boost static vector but as a standalone type (i.e. without boost dependencies) (also see static_vector)


I have no strong opinion either way here as long as the solution has a bit-level-storage specialization for booleans and its API is similar to std::vector. I think option 2 is probably the easiest at this point, no? If so, it might be pragmatic to choose that.

This issue is tangentially related also:

Hypothetically speaking, what if Nunavut or Nunavut-generated code was able to determine if the chosen bit array/vector implementation uses a DSDL-compatible in-memory bit array representation and, in that case, resort to a faster memcpy-based serialization method instead of copying the bits one by one? It would only resort to the latter, slow, generic option if the generated code uses the standard containers that lack fast serialization hooks.

As I mentioned in the other post, I don’t agree that it should be modelled on vector at all as I think we want to aim for an exceptionless system here. It should be explicitly different to underscore the static nature as well. It’s not going to be that different given how simple things are here, but for example:

Constructors (basically the same, but no exceptions)

  • Default
  • Parameter w/ desired size - what to do if bigger than static size, assert?
  • Copy Constructor
  • Move - meaningless unless the object inside need to be moved.
  • Initializer List


  • Index operators (w/ assert on out of bounds or %?)

Reasonable, but irksome API:

  • size() - this is not the sizeof or even the number of elements but actually the number of active, contiguous elements. (should have been called count() and this should return the byte size() of the active contigous region so you could pair data() and size() in a memcpy/memset)
  • capacity() - this is the actual statically given size, not some max() from numeric_limits.
  • clear() - sets active elements to zero
  • push_back() - adds one element to the end until it hits the end and then what? (no return code!)
  • pop_back() - subs one element from the end until it this the beg() and when what? (no return code!)
  • emplace_back() - adds one element to the end until it passes the capacity and then what? (no return code)

Iterator API

  • beg/end - are these based on active elements or the static elements?
  • front/back (w/ asserts for zero size) - asserts on zero active elements?

Questionable/Undesirable API:

  • insert - would require copy-shuffle all the way down the memory and still have no return code, just an iterator (excepts exceptions)
  • erase - reverse problem for insert
  • shink_to_fit - it literally can’t
  • resize - can’t do this either (past a certain point)
  • get_allocator - there isn’t one
  • reserve (past what it already has) - api has no return code and we shouldn’t support exceptions

If we want to implement all these questionable APIs so that it can be used by <algorithms>, then I would propose our own <algorithms> too. These API should be exceptionless and have a cleaner interface.

The desire to ditch the conventional API, however inconvenient it is in an exceptionless environment, is very unsettling as there is a large amount of generic code out there that expects containers and other basic entities to support the standard STL-like API. Ditching the standard APIs amounts to pronouncing CETL unusable in all applications except those that are specifically designed for CETL, which I understand is against its design goals. I am strongly against this proposal.

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We do say, in the CETL README:

Where CETL types provide functionality found in newer C++ standards the CETL version will prefer mimicking the standard over mimicking other support libraries like Boost.

That said, we did not write a tenet about compatibility with existing and newer c++ concepts (or Concepts) like container but I tend to agree with Pavel here; if we can make it interoperable with STL we should.

I don’t think this means we require exceptions. Take a look at, the much beleaguered, Nunavut VariableLengthArray. It works with -fnoexceptions and documents where undefined behaviour will occur and how the user must defend against allowing this. For example, in the documentation for push_back we have:

/// Construct a new element on to the back of the array. Grows size by 1 and may 
//// grow capacity
/// If exceptions are disabled the caller must check before and after to see if the 
/// size grew to determine success. If using exceptions this method throws 
/// {@code std::length_error} if the size of this collection is at capacity
/// or {@code std::bad_alloc} if the allocator failed to provide enough memory.
/// If exceptions are disabled use the following logic:
///     const size_t size_before = my_array.size();
///     my_array.push_back();
///     if (size_before == my_array.size())
///     {
///         // failure
///         if (size_before == my_array.max_size())
///         {
///             // length_error: you probably should have checked this first.
///         }
///         else
///         {
///             // bad_alloc: out of memory
///         }
///      } // else, success.
/// @throw std::length_error if the size of this collection is at capacity.
/// @throw std::bad_alloc if memory was needed and none could be allocated.
constexpr void push_back()

Now, is that ergonomic (to use Pavel’s favourite phrase)? Not in the least. But we could add try_push_back that returns error codes and support both/either with little code duplication between the two.