I am currently working in a robotics project and am using some board that use the UAVCAN protocol. To control them, we are using a DE10-Nano (Cyclone V) wtih a RTOS, mAbassi, integrated. We have a custom-made MCP2515 SPI-to-CAN board connected to the LTC Headers of the DE10 (whatever…).
I have the following code to interface with this driver (see below).
Anyone here could give me pointers on how to interface this with libuavcan v0? I tried to look how it was done for linux, or the STM32 and try to replicate the processus, without any real success…
Thanks in advance !
#include "MyApp_CAN.h"
#include "MyDriver_CAN.h"
#include "mAbassi.h"
#include "Platform.h"
#include "HWinfo.h"
#include "dw_spi.h"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
void CAN_writeCommand(uint8_t theCommand)
assert(spi_send(CAN_SPI_DEV, CAN_SPI_SLV, &theCommand, 1) == 0);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
uint8_t CAN_readCommand(uint8_t theCommand)
uint8_t BufTX[3], BufRX[3];
BufTX[0] = theCommand;
BufTX[1] = 0x0;
BufTX[2] = 0x0;
assert(spi_send_recv(CAN_SPI_DEV, CAN_SPI_SLV, BufTX, 3, BufRX, 3) == 0);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
void CAN_writeReg(uint8_t theAddress, uint8_t theData)
uint8_t BufTX[3];
BufTX[0] = MCP2515_CMD_WRITE;
BufTX[1] = theAddress;
BufTX[2] = theData;
assert(spi_send(CAN_SPI_DEV, CAN_SPI_SLV, BufTX, 3) == 0);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
uint8_t CAN_readReg(uint8_t theAddress)
uint8_t BufTX[3], BufRX[3];
BufTX[0] = MCP2515_CMD_READ;
BufTX[1] = theAddress;
BufTX[2] = 0x0;
assert(spi_send_recv(CAN_SPI_DEV, CAN_SPI_SLV, BufTX, 3, BufRX, 3) == 0);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
void CAN_init(void)
// Init the SPI
assert(spi_init(CAN_SPI_DEV, CAN_SPI_SLV, 1000000, 8, SPI_PROTO_SPI
| SPI_CLK_CPHA1 // Data is captured (read) on the active to inactive clock transition
| SPI_CLK_CPOL1 // Idle state (inactive) of the clock is 1
| SPI_ALIGN_RIGHT // The frames are right aligned in the buffer
| SPI_DATA_NONPACK // The frames in the buffers are one frame per byte/16 bit words
| SPI_TX_RX // both transmission and reception are going on at the same time
| SPI_MASTER // The controller is the bus master
| SPI_XFER_POLLING // No transfers use interrupts, polling is used
| SPI_EOT_POLLING // When transmitting frames, uses polling to detect when all frames have been transferred
) == 0);
// Software Reset
// Set Configuration Mode
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_CANCTRL, 0x80);
Bit Timing Configuration
125 kHz CAN baud rate with Fosc = 16 MHz
Fosc = 16MHz
BRP = 7 (divide by 8)
Sync Seg = 1TQ
Prop Seg = 1TQ
Phase Seg1 = 3TQ
Phase Seg2 = 3TQ
TQ = 2 * (1/Fosc) * (BRP+1) = 1us
CAN Bit Time = (1+1+3+3) 1 us = 8 us -> 125kHz
Bus speed = 1/(Total # of TQ) * TQ
The CAN Configuration Registers are then assembled as follows:
CNF1 = SJW1 + (BRP-1) = 0x07
CNF2 = (BTLMODE_SET + (PHSEG1-1)*8 + (PRSEG-1)) = 0x90
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_CNF1, 0x07);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_CNF2, 0x90);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_CNF3, 0x02);
// Set Normal Operation Mode
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_CANCTRL, 0x00);
//Configure initialization of message transmission
//TX0RTS, TX1RTS, TX2RTS not used : B0RTSM, B1RTSM, B2RTSM = 0
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_TXRTSCTRL, 0x00);
//Configure Masks and Filters
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXM0SIDH, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXM0SIDL, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXM0EID8, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXM0EID0, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXM1SIDH, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXM1SIDL, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXM1EID8, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXM1EID0, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF0SIDH, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF0SIDL, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF0EID8, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF0EID0, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF1SIDH, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF1SIDL, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF1EID8, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF1EID0, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF2SIDH, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF2SIDL, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF2EID8, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF2EID0, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF3SIDH, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF3SIDL, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF3EID8, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF3EID0, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF4SIDH, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF4SIDL, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF4EID8, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF4EID0, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF5SIDH, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF5SIDL, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF5EID8, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXF5EID0, 0x00);
// Set Normal Operation Mode
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_CANCTRL, 0x00);
// Configura Receive buffer RXB0 et RXB1
// RXM = 11 : turn mask/filters off
// BUKT = 1 : enable Rollover
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXB0CTRL, 0xff);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_RXB1CTRL, 0xff);
// Clear all interrupt flags
// Disable all interrupts except
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_CANINTF, 0x00);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_CANINTE, 0x00);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
void CAN_debug(void)
printf("CNF1 = %.2x\n", CAN_readReg(MCP2515_CNF1));
printf("CNF2 = %.2x\n", CAN_readReg(MCP2515_CNF2));
printf("CNF3 = %.2x\n", CAN_readReg(MCP2515_CNF3));
printf("CANCTRL = %.2x\n", CAN_readReg(MCP2515_CANCTRL));
printf("CANSTAT = %.2x\n", CAN_readReg(MCP2515_CANSTAT));
printf("TXB0CTRL = %.2x\n", CAN_readReg(MCP2515_TXB0CTRL));
printf("TXB1CTRL = %.2x\n", CAN_readReg(MCP2515_TXB1CTRL));
printf("CANINTE = %.2x\n", CAN_readReg(MCP2515_CANINTE));
printf("CANINTF = %.2x\n", CAN_readReg(MCP2515_CANINTF));
printf("EFLG = %.2x\n", CAN_readReg(MCP2515_EFLG));
printf("TEC = %.2x\n", CAN_readReg(MCP2515_TEC));
printf("REC = %.2x\n", CAN_readReg(MCP2515_REC));
printf("Status = %.2x\n", CAN_readCommand(MCP2515_CMD_STATUS));
printf("RxStatus = %.2x\n", CAN_readCommand(MCP2515_CMD_RXSTATUS));
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
void CAN_sendMsg(uint32_t theIdentifier, uint8_t *theData, uint8_t theLength, uint8_t theFrameType)
// Write the 11-bit Identifier (the Extended Mode is not implemented)
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_TXB0SIDH, (theIdentifier >> 3));
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_TXB0SIDL, (theIdentifier << 5) & 0xe0); // The 5 LSB = 0
// Write the Data Length (4 LSB) and the RTR (Remote Transmission Request) bit
if (theFrameType == MCP2515_TX_STD_FRAME)
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_TXB0DLC, (theLength & 0x0f)); // RTR = 0
else if (theFrameType == MCP2515_TX_REMOTE_FRAME)
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_TXB0DLC, (theLength | 0xf0)); // RTR = 1
return; // Illegal FrameType - Do nothing !
// Write the Data
int i, x = MCP2515_TXB0D0;
for (i = 0; i < theLength; i++)
CAN_writeReg(x++, *theData++);
// Send Message (TXREQ = 1) with highest priority (TXP = 11)
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_TXB0CTRL, 0x0f);
// Wait for end of transmission
while ((CAN_readReg(MCP2515_TXB0CTRL) & 0x80) != 0x00); // TXREQ (bit 8) = 0
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
int CAN_readMsg(uint32_t *theIdentifier, uint8_t *theData, uint8_t *theLength)
int i, x;
uint8_t rx_Status = CAN_readCommand(MCP2515_CMD_RXSTATUS);
if ((rx_Status & 0x40) != 0) { // Message in RXB0
*theIdentifier = (CAN_readReg(MCP2515_RXB0SIDH) << 3) | (CAN_readReg(MCP2515_RXB0SIDL) >> 5);
*theLength = CAN_readReg(MCP2515_RXB0DLC);
x = MCP2515_RXB0D0;
for(i=0; i<*theLength; i++)
*theData++ = CAN_readReg(x++);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_CANINTF, CAN_readReg(MCP2515_CANINTF) & 0xfe); // Clear RX0IF
if ((rx_Status & 0x80) != 0) { // Message in RXB1
*theIdentifier = (CAN_readReg(MCP2515_RXB1SIDH) << 3) | (CAN_readReg(MCP2515_RXB1SIDL) >> 5);
*theLength = CAN_readReg(MCP2515_RXB1DLC);
x = MCP2515_RXB1D0;
for(i=0; i<*theLength; i++)
*theData++ = CAN_readReg(x++);
CAN_writeReg(MCP2515_CANINTF, CAN_readReg(MCP2515_CANINTF) & 0xfd); // Clear RX1IF
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */