How to use seeedstudio from pythoncan?

Hi there! Seeedstudio interface was added to pythoncan:
What’s the correct way to use it in pyuavcan?

I mean it would be great to have similar example for seedstudio too:

class PythonCANMedia(Media):

  • Interface socketcan is implemented by :class:can.interfaces.socketcan.SocketcanBus.
    The bit rate values are only used to select Classic/FD mode.
    It is not possible to configure the actual CAN bit rate using this API.
    Example: socketcan:vcan0

It is not supported at the moment. You can add support by introducing a new factory here:

It was done recently for another adapter:

Pavel thank you so much!
Do you have any idea when it would be supported?

It will be supported when you send a pull request with the necessary changes in it :wink:

got you :smiley: