That’s kindof what I mean, but how are you going to face the problem Pavel addressed: You might want to select an arbitrary number of parameters that accept the same data type and batch-edit them. I imagine some two-row UI: The top part contains the register tree view, with all the filtering, flags, etc and then on the bottom, is the ‘current register workset’ : the homogenous (same data type) selected registers to batch-edit along with their target nodes and some buttons: remove from the working set, batch update all, etc.
Individually editing by clicking an edit button on the tree or on the working set row below, can be like the vscode window, or inline, or with a popup. Batch editing would not need a popup since we have something showcasing what we are working with below.
EDIT: With many many nodes displayed, I’m not sure if it makes sense to have each one displayed on a separate column, but the batch editor is a must.
Filtering: The node list homepage is meant to be a very quick overview of what’s on the bus: filter supports regexes as well and matches against all the attributes of the current node list response [id, name, health, status, vendor code] and supports sorting based on these attributes, ascending or descending order.
On the batch register editor, I think it makes sense to change that a bit. Split the filter on flags and arbitrary text provided. The text matches by regex or by .contains() the register name. Aside from that, we can have flags like lifetime:PM (lifetime: persistent and mutable) or simply lt:P and other shortcuts like that to make this usable.
I’m not sure if it makes sense to keep the current ‘expanded’ node details UI I posted on github:
, as a means of quickly looking up parameters on a single node: I can add a filter and some auto refresh on a particular one, or all of them or whatever.