Can you please step through the reception pipeline with a debugger to see where your frames are being dropped? It makes sense to add some debug logging here as well.
Debug logging with â-vvâ doesnât show any INFO, DEBUG or ERROR messages during receiving these packets, at the end there are also no in_frames or in_frames_errored in the stats output. They are probably lost between can and media I guess.
P.S. Sorry, I found it, it was the handler of Media.ReceivedFramesHandler, trying to fix it
One more question, please.
Frames are processed properly now, uvc pub is working, uvc call has some problems with implementation:
uvc call 42 uavcan.node.GetInfo.1.0 â{}â --tr=âCAN(âpcanâ,âPCAN_USBBUS1â,8),10)â
2020-08-11 13:28:33 8460 ERROR The transport implementation is misbehaving: feedback was never emitted; falling back to software timestamping. Please submit a bug report. Involved instances: client=Client(dtype=âuavcan.node.GetInfo.1.0â, input_transport_session=CANInputSession(InputSessionSpecifier(data_specifier=ServiceDataSpecifier(service_id=430, role=<Role.RESPONSE: 2>), remote_node_id=42), PayloadMetadata(data_type_hash=0x6666666630239d01, max_size_bytes=313))), result=(uavcan.node.GetInfo.Response.1.0(protocol_version=uavcan.node.Version.1.0(major=1, minor=0), hardware_version=uavcan.node.Version.1.0(major=1, minor=0), software_version=uavcan.node.Version.1.0(major=0, minor=1), software_vcs_revision_id=0, unique_id=[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], name=âour-servoâ, software_image_crc=[], certificate_of_authenticity=ââ), TransferFrom(timestamp=Timestamp(system_ns=1597145313213994200, monotonic_ns=21869359000000), priority=<Priority.NOMINAL: 4>, transfer_id=2, fragmented_payload=[<memory at 0x0000021AD1A2E048>, <memory at 0x0000021AD1A2E108>, <memory at 0x0000021AD1A2E1C8>, <memory at 0x0000021AD1A2E288>, <memory at 0x0000021AD1A2E348>, <memory at 0x0000021AD1A2E408>], source_node_id=42))
Where have I to search for a problem? I donât see any dependencies to on_transfer_feedback in my python-can implementation.
The library requested the transport to report when the transfer is delivered to the underlying network driver, but the report never arrived. Therefore, the transport is misbehaving. The error comes from this place specifically:
This is where the caller requested the transport to invoke the transmission feedback handler. Your implementation does not appear to handle it correctly.
Thank you for your reply. I have already seen this part of code, I canât just bind it with media layer.
I have found loopback parameter in _parse_native_frame function only, it is set if own transmitted packet was received successfully.
But I canât find any connection between client.output_transport_session.enable_feedback(on_transfer_feedback)
I think it is the last thing I need to get the implementation ready. Actually I can work with a current version already, if you donât need python-can, then I will stop annoying you.
The feedback flag is passed down the transfer serializer here:
The serializer returns a generator of UAVCANFrame, where the first frame has the loopback
flag set.
Upon seeing a frame where loopback
is true/false, the SocketCAN driver enables/disables the corresponding socket option:
You need to recreate the loopback enable/disable logic in your media driver.
Hello Pavel, I couldnât implement it really tidy, python-can probably doesnât receive transmitted messages, so I have just pushed a loopback message to an array and then place it to a normal receive buffer. Now everything works perfectly with Windows.
Should I commit my implementation or is it not good enough?
Send a pull request, please, weâll give it a look. Also, I think it would benefit everyone if you informed the maintainers of Python-CAN about the need for supporting loopback frames. Maybe you could just open a ticket or something?
Incidentally, I just found out that Windows shell does not support single-quoted string literals. The only valid syntax is double-quote: "{}"
, whereas '{}'
is parsed differently. I donât really use Windows (other than in CI pipelines) so I wasnât aware of this until now.